Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shopping for Camp

If you've had the opportunity to go to a Christian youth camp while a kid, you know how incredibly awesome it is. But this next Monday, I've got the distinct honor to go to youth camp as a youth pastor!! My very first youth camp with the kids in my youth group! Today I'm spending time shopping for supplies! Wow, what a blessing...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today's Thought

Ministry is like a football game. 60,000 people watching while 22 people do all the work

Kudos to Jason Williams

One of the greatest sins in the church is we have made it ok to sit and do nothing and call yourself a Christ-follower.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Missionary Family to Pray for

Jones Family to Mexico- Click here for their site.

Laminin- Check this one out!

Ministry Idea

So, one type of business that is great to tap into for ministry opportunities is Mom and Pop business'. A local small pizza place (popular around here) has partnered up with our church. Our pastor plows his parking lot when it snows and so we've gotten to know him and his wife over the last little while. When we have our launch service, the owner has agreed to let us paste flyers onto the top of his pizza boxes! Every pizza that is sold for a week before our launch will have a flyer inviting that customer to our church! How awesome is that? He's not charging us anything. Use this idea! There are other idea's as well and I'd love to share them. Do you have any idea's for me? I'd love to hear them

Ministry Update

A bunch of you have asked me how the ministry is turning out up here! Well, last Wednesday we had the most kids at youth group we've had thus far, 15. All are going to camp with us next Monday so I'm looking forward to being able to minister to them. No update on the new church building yet. We may not know anything until early September. Our biggest need right now is a music pastor. Um, other than that, things are going as planned. We had a low number on Sunday but a lot of families were out of town, including the pastor (and my Rachelle :(  )   Anyway, the job search is still unsuccessful. Keep that in your prayers please (bills are beginning to mount.)

The New Book

Alright, my last post apologized for my draught, an then I went 6 days before posting something else. I have good reason though! I started writing a book! Yup, it's true. It's always been a dream of mine to write one and I finally sat down the other day and started it. The topic relates to a Christian Revolution. If you know anything about the Revolutionary War, the place called Valley Forge may mean something to you. It is the location of George Washington's famous "Prayer at Valley Forge." I've done some research and found many principles from Valley Forge that helped win the American Revolution, and if applied to the Christian realm, can help begin a Christian Revolution. Hence, the potential title: Christian Revolution: The Valley Forge Experience.... Anyway, I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. I've finished the first 6 chapters thus far!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry for the drought

What a busy weekend! First and foremost, my buddy called me the other night and was in a desperate situation. I told him about Christ and on the phone, he got saved! Keep him in your prayers. His name is Nick. Had a wonderful church picnic at some park with a beach! Check out pics on my facebook. Headed home to Cincinnati on Thursday for a few days! Keep our church in your prayers! A lot of growth potential and we're still relying on churches to help support us financially! I'll keep up on this better! thanks for following

Friday, July 10, 2009

Today's Thought

You are more like Jesus based on the lost people you reach rather than the saved people you impress!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Applebee's Tonight

If you're in North Jersey, take a trip to Applebee's on rt 46 tonight between 5-9. 10% of your bill comes back to our youth group as we're raising money for camp. You need a flyer so email me for a copy!

God Speaks to Us

It amazes me how often people think prayers is a one way street. We talk to God, don't we think He would talk to us? Jeremiah 33:3 is God talking. He says "Call unto me and I will answer you..." Elijah found himself in a desperate position in 1st Kings 19. The King of the land was hunting him down and he fled to a cave in the mountains. An angel appeared and told him he'd be hearing from God. Scripture says there was a Great and Mighty wind, but the Lord wasn't in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake. But the Lord wasn't in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire. But the Lord wasn't in the the fire. The next part is crucial. Scriptures says, and then a Still Small Voice. Our God is mighty and powerful, but it doesn't mean his means of communication with us are of the same quality. Find a quiet spot when you seek God's guidance and answers. He wont speak audibly to your ear, but He'll speak to your heart. In a still small voice. Don't expect some great revelation in a dramatic way! Look for His still small voice.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My View on Michael

Michael Jackson has gotten a great deal of media coverage since his death. reports today that a family is upset because their son (military) died in war on the same day MJ did and isn't getting any media coverage. I understand their frustration, but the media reports things that sell! Although this young soldiers death was in the line of duty and should be appreciated more than MJ, it doesn't sell papers. Secondly, Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He is the greatest entertainer this generation, and possibly any generation, has ever seen. Disregard his private life (although not much of his private life was actually private).  He was never proven guilty on any sexual misconduct. Sure he was weird, but wouldn't you be if you were forced into entertainment by a psycho father before you were old enough for kindergarten? If you never had a normal childhood? I'm not making excuses, but he had mental issues and we never though that maybe he needed help. He was searching and he found his help in the form of drugs. I can't control how you remember Michael. I hear the jokes and see the complaints. But one things is inarguable, nobody in the history of entertainment or in the future will be able to do what he did on stage! A legend has been lost!


Car Wash for the youth group is this Saturday, 10am-2pm. It is at the Advanced Auto Parts on rt 46. Come donate for a great cause!

Are you in North Jersey?

If so, our youth group is having a fundraiser Thursday night! Applebee's on rt 46 in Dover will donate 10% of sales between the hours of 5pm-9pm. The only thing, you have to present a yellow flyer with our group name on it! We have plenty, so email me if you're interested in helping out-

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cincinnati Reds News

The one that got away


Stars and Stripes

The 4th of July marks the anniversary of our country's independence. The day that we celebrate freedom, liberty, and justice. All of this was made possible because of the bravery of fine leaders and soldiers during the revolutionary war. As a result, we have a symbol that represents our country. This symbol is the American Flag. On it are two very evident traits- Stars and Stripes.

In the realm of Christianity, there comes a day when we accept a Savior and His grace. This is called our salvation day! In a sense, it is our equivalent to Independence Day, or should I say, Dependence Day. It is the day we decide to depend on our Lord Jesus for His freedom, liberty and justice. And just like our country, our Savior's life is the symbol we possess and it contains two very evident traits. Matthew 2:2 talks about the birth of Christ- and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." And then Isaiah 53:5 speaks of his death-But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,  And by His stripes we are healed. 

Experience Salvation and find a dependence on Christ. And if you are saved, don't just remember our nation's independence today, remember your spiritual dependence on Jesus!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

NBA News

Detroit steals Gordon from Chi-Town... I love the eastern conference!

Tonight's Blessing

Tonight at youth group, a young lady accepted Christ as Savior. Her name is Alexis! Keep her in your prayers. We know the Christian life is a difficult one and she'll face adversity. But what a blessing!

what a good heart can do for ya

College Basketball News

Bearcats land a big time player

Becoming a Revolutionary

What exactly is a revolutionary? A revolution is a drastic and far reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving. So, a revolutionary is the subject who makes the change in ways of thinking and behaving. We become a revolutionary when a change is created in our heart, which then changes everything about us. 

Keep this in mind- Everything that we are derives from our mind. It derives from what we think about. Our thoughts become our attitude, which becomes our actions, which becomes our habits, which becomes our lifestyle, which becomes our legacy. Whatever is put on our tombstone is what people remember about us. This is our legacy. What is on your mind? If what we think about isn't God-Honoring, we need a revolution. If our thoughts aren't glorifying God, than our attitude, actions, habits and lifestyle aren't glorifying God either! And that is how our legacy will be. 

When we surrender our heart to becoming a revolutionary, our whole being is changed. And when your thought process changes, so does everything else.

What should you think about: Read Philippians 4:8

Who Am I?

Geez, I'm not sure how to even introduce myself! I am a youth minister for Jesus working in the city that I've been called to, Rockaway, New Jersey. I am a sports fan, a movie fan, a family fan and a Jesus fan! If the Reds, Bengals, Buckeyes or Bearcats are playing, I'm watching them. If Braveheart, Dumb and Dumber, Lost or 24 crosses my tv set, I'm watching it! I love my parents, my sisters and my girlfriend Rachelle (today is our 7 month!) And more than anything, I love proclaiming the love of Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for you and me. I facebook, I tweet and I write poetry. Ok, the poetry part was a lie, but I can throw together some rhymes if I'm called upon. My dog, Tucker, turns 8 months old on July 11th. Hmmm, I'm pretty sure the important stuff has been said! more to come